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There is no shortage of schools for businesspeople of every specialty. But where is the school for the person in charge of getting the best results from all the members of the organization? There is no school for CEOs—except the school of experience. Chief executives must learn on the job how to lead a company, and they must learn while every stakeholder is watching.


The CEO’s job is like no other in the organization. It is infinite and uncompromising, they are allowed just few mistakes. That is a costly proposition for any organization, for no company can lose its leader without losing some sense, even temporarily, of its identity and direction. The stakes are too high for a CEO to lead without clarity, consistency, and commitment.


Why us? Because we use the expertise approach and don’t just preach the gospel of our expertise; we create programs to reinforce it.

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MAP Asia Pacific Limited, Suite 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza, 82-84 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong é¦™æ¸¯

Phone: +852 2790 2006       Fax: +852 2790 2120       E-Mail:

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